Agdata Website

AGDATA Australia writes fully integrated and modular farm management software.%26%238221%3B We were tasked with creating a website that highlights the features and value proposition of their products, is optimised for lead generation and is deeply integrated with AGDATA%26%238217%3Bs in-house CRM system. Our development team created a customer CMS extension that communicated with AGDATA%26%238217%3Bs CRM. Using this integration, potential customers can%3A get a tailored made quotation for the exact modules, user counts and platforms they desire%3B view and enrol in available training sessions and events%3B and securely update subscription payment details. For the 1300 Web Pro team, it was an honour having our peers in the software development space, choose and trust us to deliver a solution. The client%26%238217%3Bs technical aptitude is much higher than a baker or candlestick maker, which meant we had to cross every t and dot every i.

By 1300 Web Pro

Agdata Website