The Bud site has been our team%26%238217%3Bs passion project for the last year. We took a balance approach to delivering culmination of UX%2FUI%2FSEO outcomes as-well as capturing the spirit & mission of the company in the design. The story of a small business owner%26%238217%3Bs %26%238216%3Bheroes journey%26%238217%3B unfolds across the site, highlighted by the beautiful hero illustrations. We went with subtle animations throughout the site experience as a second fiddle to the illustrations whilst still making the site feel tactile and alive. We hope you enjoy it and don%26%238217%3Bt forget to explore the 404 page %3Cimg src%3D%22%2Fmedia%2Fsystem%2Fsmileys%2Fsmile.gif%22 width%3D%2219%22 height%3D%2219%22 alt%3D%22smile%22 style%3D%22border%3A0%3B%22 %2F%3E
By Bud