Red Jade Website

The Red Jade site’s primary focus is to demonstrate the beauty of the product. The site emphasizes this through the beautiful photography which encapsulates the story and the product that Red Jade produces. With this in mind, the site aims for a less is more approach to content. Aiming to direct attention to the photograph. The voice of the site is written to a general %E2%80%9Cfoodie%E2%80%9D culture and aims to be short, sharp and simple – while also paying homage to the Asian culture from which Red Jade came from. Areas of large text are broken into clear paragraphs with additional line spacing to guide the user clearly through the story. The photography demands user attention and demonstrates both the product and the packaging but also in a design setting that replicates an everyday environment. The site carries a very simple yet effective structure. The homepage is aimed to only give crucial information about the products so the client has full confidence in the brand. Users are provided with a variety of options to push through towards further information on the individual product ranges. In addition, users can at any moment select other menu items in the persistent menu to find out more about products or additional stockist. However, the menu for mobile is not made persistent to make use of the phone’s full screen size height. The beauty of the site is in it%26%238217%3Bs the custom photography and parallax effects. The subtleties do not take away from the sites experience allowing the user to enjoy them without hampering on speed or distracting users on mobile and tablet.

By Chromatix

Red Jade Website