Rio Tinto Groundbreakers
In 2016 Rio Tinto celebrated 50 years since the first shipment of Iron Ore left Dampier for Japan, marking a pivotal moment in Western Australia’s history. This 50-year celebration is not just an opportunity to reflect on how far Rio Tinto has come, but to thank staff past and present for their commitment, and highlight the major impact Rio Tinto has made in developing Western Australia. This website was commissioned to act as a central hub for the 50th celebrations %E2%80%93 a place to reminisce through long-lost photos and videos, a central archive which the community could help grow. It%26%238217%3Bs also a place to amplify Rio Tinto%26%238217%3Bs involvement in the community today %E2%80%93 including a curriculum and learning resources section for teachers, galleries from 10 various events held throughout the Pilbara and across South East Asia, and multiple competitions open to the Rio Tinto community.%26nbsp%3B The website has grown exponentially since launch, presenting a great challenge to the design and development teams to elegantly integrate new content within the existing architecture. From a three-page site, Rio Tinto Groundbreakers now features%3A – 10 galleries from various commemorative event – Individual timelines for each Pilbara towns – Event RSVP functionality – 14 unique competitions, one ongoing on a weekly basis – A teacher’s resource section with bespoke approved curriculum – Resources for students in Pilbara towns, and – Information about Rio Tinto’s involvement at the 2016 IGA Perth Royal Show. The site receives an average of 600%2B visitors a week, which has exceeded expectations, given the site is only promoted through internal Rio Tinto communications. The site is set to undergo more changes as this year concludes, with the addition of a video library of stories from the Rio Tinto community across various themes, and the addition of more South East Asian countries as the Rio Tinto team continues to say thank you and celebrate with partners across the region.
By Adrienne Mellor, Nico Le Roux, Karen Tucker, Jacqueline Taylor, Mandy Michael, Josh Allen