SA Museum

The South Australian Museum is home to some of the country’s most nationally and internationally significant collections. One of the most visited museums nationwide, they are committed to providing an engaging insight into to Australia’s natural and cultural heritage. As one of the most important exhibitions of the year, Yidaki required a strong and visually distinctive online presence that was mobile accessible and informative. The Digital Embassy were approached to create this experience within a deadline of only 2.5 weeks. Having had experience working on other indigenous Australian projects such as the ILC and the Healing Foundation our digital agency was well positioned for the task. The Task In order to capture the interest of potential exhibition visitors, our aim was to design a sensory rich online experience in the form of a mobile accessible website landing page. The landing page would serve as the preliminary source of exhibition information for these visitors, and help facilitate ticket purchases. The website landing page framework was developed with the intention to be re-used for marketing future SAM exhibitions and would sit externally, independent from the South Australian Museum primary website. Our approach and the results The team at The Digital Embassy began the task by designing wireframes and development architecture that contained a range of common modular elements that could be easily moved and repurposed. Not only did this approach enable rapid development for the website landing page to meet the short deadline of 2.5 weeks, it provided the South Australian Museum with a reusable design framework for future exhibitions.

By The Digital Embassy

SA Museum